Demographic & contextual data


INED develops and maintains demographic and contextual databases. This work is done mostly by the DataLab in collaboration with various national and international research partners. Most of these databases are available open access.


Multi-thematic databases

The Generations and Gender Programme Contextual Database contains demographic, economic and political indicators for around 60 countries. This database is developed in collaboration with the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) team.


The Migration between Africa and Europe Contextual Database includes indicators on the socio-economic and political contexts in the countries where the MAFE (Migrations between Africa and Europe) survey took place in 2008-2010.


Life tables for France as a whole and by department and tables of net migration by department, 1806-1906.



The Population of France-long series contains around fifty demographic indicators for France (metropolitan and overseas France) covering population movement, age structure, immigration, fertility, abortions, nuptiality, divorce and mortality. Some of these series date back to the beginning of the 20th century, or even beyond. This database is updated annually by the authors of the article on the demographic situation in France, which appears each year in the journal Population and by INED.


The LawsAndFamilies Database includes data from a survey among legal experts conducted in 2015-2016 about the legal situation and laws regarding same-sex and different-sex couples in Europe. This database was developed in collaboration with Leiden University.



Databases about births and fertility

The European Union Family Policy Dataset (EUFamPol) includes the legislative texts of the European Union concerning family policy from 1974 to 2015. This database was developed in collaboration with Stockholm University.


The Multiple Birth Database provides annual numbers and rates of twin births for different countries since the 1970s. Statistics on other multiple births (triplets, quadruplets, etc.) are also provided when they exist.




Databases about mortality

Human Cause-of-Death Database (HCD) is a joint project between INED and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR). It brings together series of deaths by cause with a constant medical definition for 16 countries since the 1950s.


Human Life-Table Database (HLD) is jointly developed by the University of California, Berkeley/MPIDR/INED. It consists of a collection of life tables for 141 countries since the 18th century.


Human Mortality Database (HMD) is a joint realization of University of California, Berkeley / MPIDR / INED. It offers high-quality data on populations and mortality (period and cohort data) for 41 countries around the world since the nineteenth century.


International Database on Longevity (IDL) is a project supported by an international network of researchers, led by the MPIDR. It gathers individual data on super-centenarians (over 110 years old) and semi-super-centenarians (105-109 years old) in around fifteen developed countries.


The demography of COVID-19 deaths is an INED project that provides international data on COVID-19-related deaths documented and detailed by sex and age.



Databases that are being redesigned

The Developed Countries Database includes 34 demographic indicators, in particular on nuptiality, fertility, mortality, movement and structure of the population, and covers 63 geographic entities (beyond Europe) since the start of the 20th century.